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Showing posts from September, 2018

Feel Euphoric with spinning exercises

If you absolutely love riding your bicycle, then spinning is just the perfect exercise for you! Losing weight never has been so effective. Health experts recommend spinning to those eager to lose weight in a short span of time. A good spinning class never has a monotonous moment with consistent change in lighting and music as well. This vigorous workout has massively turned out to be super effective with visible results. You’ll find this exercise varying from beginner level to advanced level depending on your level of fitness. Body Zone is a premium gym in Chandigarh where spinning routine is done under the supervision of experts. The trainers make sure that the metabolic intervals are calculated. Also, the resistance level varies from person to person; the trainer ensures to not exceed the margins of the individual endurance.   You will soon start enjoying these routines with music aiding you to overcome fatigue to certain extend. You’ll even feel motivated by list...

What does yoga do to your mind?

In today's time, our mind never settles on one thing. Even when we are lounging and relaxing, our mind travels through a lot of things. Ours is an unstable mind-always wandering elsewhere. Body Zone is a premiumgym in Chandigarh where you will learn the benefits of yoga and by practicing it, you will relish the stability and inner peace that it gives to you. One must always start yoga with some stretches that make your body light and stable. It will help you become aware of the stiffness and uneasiness in various parts of your body. You will realize that after taking a few session of yoga, a sense of rejuvenation will start surpassing your mind. Then there will be less occurrence of thoughts and eventually, everything will disappear. After reaching this level, your mind will be stable and devoid of thoughts. You will realize that you are slipping into a meditative state of being. You won't force yourself to concentrate but you will automatically connect to a  state ...